Our Give Us a Minute campaign invites everyone to donate a minute or so of themselves to build this resource.
We need people from all walks of life to give us one to two minutes of video or audio – you can tell us about yourself, your town, a memory, a local legend, your experience as a newcomer to Ireland, your favourite recipe, how to make a proper cup of tea… anything and everything. Contact us if you have an idea for a lesson, would like to volunteer, or just to say hello!
You can record a video on your phone, make a TikTok video, send us audio with some accompanying images, or even send us a piece of text – maybe a story or poem. The video can be you, your surroundings, or anything you like. If you need advice on how to do this easily, contact us, we’ll be delighted to help.
If you’re a film-maker, spoken word artist, writer, poet, comedian… we’d love to talk to you about using a minute of your work to base a lesson on. Contact us !
If you work for an organisation that uses short videos to inform the public, we’d be delighted to adapt your media to a lesson. Many organisations create translations for a number of languages, which is great, we can complement this by creating a way for migrants to learn the relevant language to access your services more easily. Contact us !
Contact us if you have an idea for a lesson, would like to volunteer, or just to say hello!